Mental Health and Recovery Board Serving Belmont, Harrison, and Monroe Counties
Declaration on Racism
The recent events across the nation have again brought racism to the forefront. The anger and angst born out of a history of pervasive and system racism have crystalized into a nationwide outcry. The Mental Health and Recovery Board believes that the perpetuation of racism within our society is ongoing, and its impact has accumulated and compounded over time. Racism structures opportunities based on how someone looks, which results in conditions that unfairly advantage some, and unfairly disadvantage others. Our deep concern is that as a result, communities of color experience very troubling inequities that lead to disparities in health outcomes.
We recognize the effects of racism on our society are real and cannot be ignored. It clearly has a serious and profound impact on education, economic stability, housing, safety, food access, physical health, and wellness that cannot be ignored. The consequences of not addressing racism and not addressing the health disparities it creates affect us all. We believe racism has no place in our policies, our practices, and our business.
We commit and pledge to:
Continue actively engaging our organization, its partners, and the community in shaping new community solutions to address disparities.
Develop and implement policies and practices to end the inequities in the health of people of color and to mitigate the exposure to trauma.
Ensure that health equity and cultural competence exists within our behavioral health system of care.
Work to achieve equality and a health community where racism is never tolerated.